Advertise on Tall Clothing Mall

If you have a tall store or other unique item that tall people would love, Tall Clothing Mall is a great place to advertise.

Why Advertise Here?
Tall Clothing Mall was started in January of 2007 and since then has quickly become the top resources for tall clothing. Our readers have varying body shapes and sizes and have a hard time finding clothing that fits. They enjoy hearing about other resources.

We offer 4 types of advertising:

Banner Advertising

Main Right Side Large Banner Advertising (250 x 250) pixels on main page $250/3 months
Available for tall store and blogs.  This 3 months ad package not only includes an introductory feature post, your store/products will also be regularly mentioned on Facebook page and Pinterest.

Main Right Side Small Banner Advertising (125 x 125) pixels on the main page $50/month or $120/3 months
Available for tall stores and blogs, shoe stores and accessory stores. The 3 months ad package includes an introductory feature post.

Tall Women’s or Tall Men’s Pages Large Banner Advertising (250 x 250) pixels. Shows up on pages labeled as mens or womens including select blog posts  $200/3 months.  Available for tall store and blogs.  This 3 months ad package not only includes an introductory feature post, your store/products will also be regularly mentioned on Facebook page and Pinterest.

Tall Women’s or Tall Men’s Pages  Small Banner Advertising (125 x 125) pixels on the secondary targeted  tall women’s or tall men’s pages including select blog posts. Costs $50/month or $120/3 months
Available for tall stores and blogs, shoe stores and accessory stores. The 3 months ad package includes an introductory feature post.

Start an Affiliate Program and we will mention you for free whenever we feel your product is relevant.  This is not-banner advertising.

Want to Do a Giveaway?
If it is something our readers would love, contact us with your idea and we can discuss the cost as it varies depending on the project.

Sponsor a Blog Post 

Get your product featured on the home page through an individual blog post that will be identified as “sponsored”.  Costs $40.

We are excited to work with you. Email us at  if you are ready to advertise with us.


About Krista Mayne

Standing in at 6'2" tall, Krista Mayne is the the owner of Tall Clothing Mall, Wasatch Travel and Palm Tree Trips. Life is crazy as a serial blogger. Tall Clothing Mall started in 2006 after she became frustrated with finding tall clothes. She loves to travel and spend times with her husband and 5 children.