Introducing My Sweet Baby Girl

After a 3 year process, we have just adopted our baby girl from Taiwan. We enjoyed a wonderful trip and are now home. So, here’s our sweetie – Lacey!Lacey is now the Princess of our home and has 4 doting brothers who can’t get enough of her.

We couldn’t be happier!
About Krista Mayne

Standing in at 6'2" tall, Krista Mayne is the the owner of Tall Clothing Mall, Wasatch Travel and Palm Tree Trips. Life is crazy as a serial blogger. Tall Clothing Mall started in 2006 after she became frustrated with finding tall clothes. She loves to travel and spend times with her husband and 5 children.


  1. Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you.

  2. Baby Lacey looks like a angle in her white dress. I wish and pray for her beautiful and bright future.