Martha Stewart Tall Show Recap

For those of you who may have missed the “Martha Stewart Tall Show”, here is a recap.

  • Arianne Cohen, the author of “The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life From On High” discussed advantages tall people have such as, on average earning more than co-workers. She also claimed that people around the world have the same height potential, but that good nuturition and health can help you be taller. I’m not sure if I entirely agree with her height nutrition claims, but I haven’t done enough research. It seems to be genetics in my family.
    Check out the website next time you are traveling. Fly on airlines that have at least 34″ between seats to allow more leg room.
  • Lisa Butcher of Long Tall Sally put on a women’s tall fashion show. To see the fashions featured on the show, click here.
  • Martha Stewart showed the butcher block kitchen counter we previously blogged about.
  • Alain Roby, a pastry chef, made a very tall cake.

I enjoyed the show, but would have liked to have more discussion with tall people and issues we face or advantages we enjoy! I would have loved to be there!
What did you think of the show?

About Krista Mayne

Standing in at 6'2" tall, Krista Mayne is the the owner of Tall Clothing Mall, Wasatch Travel and Palm Tree Trips. Life is crazy as a serial blogger. Tall Clothing Mall started in 2006 after she became frustrated with finding tall clothes. She loves to travel and spend times with her husband and 5 children.


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