Diary of a Tall Fashionista: Maxi Dresses for Tall Women

By Tiffany DeLangie – Tall Fashion Writer for Tall Clothing Mall

I consider myself lucky when trends that favor tall women come on the scene. For example, capris (doesn’t matter if they are too short; they are supposed to be), hip length tunics and tees, and now maxi dresses. Us tall women can get away with wearing all of these items in “regular,” but it’s a special bonus when we can find them in tall sizes, which means the proportions will be just right. In anticipation for summer I have already purchased a few maxi dresses and in true Fashionista OCD fashion, I’m always looking for another fun maxi dress. Maxi dresses were just creeping up this time last year and this year they are already all over the place. And when I say all over the place, I mean affordable places that won’t break the bank.

City Style Sleeveless Print Maxi Dress Smocked Maxi Dress

Styling a maxi dress is fairly simple because they often come in fun prints and patterns that do most of the work. If the pattern is really bold, I recommend wearing a pair of simple silver or gold hoops that match your risk tolerance—really big for fearless females, smaller for the traditionalists. Ballet flats or gladiator sandals look great with maxi dresses but you can also throw on a pair of wedges if the dress is long enough (i.e. covers at least half the heel). One fun attention grabber is to pair metallics with maxi dresses. Look at the colors in the dress to pick the metal that matches and accent those colors by wearing shoes, bag, and jewelry in silver, gold, or bronze. As for bright colors, choose a color at the opposite end or beside it on the color wheel (you never thought you’d use that after 6th grade art class did you?!) to accessorize. For instance if you’re maxi dress is navy blue choose teal or coral jewelry with a big white purse. Or use bright accessories with understated colors, like a bright red purse with a gray, black, or white maxi dress. If your dress is all one color or fairly simple, this is a great opportunity to play dress up by adding a long chunky necklace, fun chandelier or bauble like earrings, metallic gladiator sandals, and a slouchy bag. As you can tell the possibilities are endless.

If you’re not sure how a maxi dress should fit, here are some tips. Make sure the dress reaches your ankles and avoid wearing one that hits that awkward spot between your knee and ankles (that’s what tall sizes will help you to avoid). If you feel like a long dress will make you look too tall (you already know that I think “too tall” is an oxymoron), wear flats and wear your hair down to avoid the extra height piled up hair or ponytails add. Also, if you don’t spend your free time training with a yoga master, no worries! Simply choose a maxi dress with an empire waist, which is flattering on everyone. Also look for a material that isn’t clingy. And if you complain that when you wave goodbye, the wave travels up your arm, I feel your pain. Just wear a shawl, sweater, or denim jacket over your dress.

A tall maxi dress is a must have for this spring and summer! Buy one now before they are all gone and that first gorgeous warm day (for those of you who have already experienced it, good for you…those of us in the Northeast are still anxiously awaiting), wear it with confidence, class, and accessorized!