Tall Rain Gear for Her

Rain Rain Go away! Or stay, if I can wear one of these cute tall rain jackets! This year I’m totally impressed with the options available for tall raincoats for ladies. Here are just my favorite four. Plus a few large size rain boots for her. Most items come in a variety of colors and are less than the price shown with promotional codes!

Tall Anorak (water resistant)  |  Tall Coastal Raincoat  |  Tall Water Resistant Trench (I bought this one! I love it!)  |  Tall Yellow Raincoat (comes in 5 fun colors)  |  Sorel Out and About Rain Boot  |  Columbia Tall Rain Boot  |  Crocs Navy Rain Boots

For your convenience, shop the post here:

About Tiffany DeLangie

Tiffany is the blogger behind Pretty Real – a ‘Lifestyle with kids’ blog featuring approachable DIY, celebrations, and style for your family and home. Besides Tall Clothing Mall, she’s contributed to DIY Lifestyle Mag and Live the Fancy Life. Her work has been featured on many sites including Hostess with the Mostess, Disney Baby, and Popsugar Moms.


  1. Oh, I love that tall yellow raincoat from Lands’ End! Super cute. I makes me think of spring daffodils. 🙂