What Type of "Tall" Are You?

The most ridiculous thing I ever see are signs that say “one size fits all”. Are you telling me I should wear the same size as my5’3″ tall mother-in-law? I DON’T THINK SO! We learned years ago to never go clothes shopping together.

Photo credit Taradata Magazine

And, you can’t slap a tag on clothes labeled “tall” and expect it to fit all tall people. There are all kinds of different tall shapes and sizes. My biggest pet peeve is when clothing stores stick a “tall” tag on and don’t include a tall size chart. Tall inseams can vary from 31″ – 42″ long. It can be very confusing to sort it all out.
Here we go with generalization again, but I think for the most part, all of us tall people can be sorted into one of the following categories of different tall body types.

  1. All Long Legs. Yep, you have mile long legs. Your legs make up your height. You could have an average torso length or even a short torso length.  A lady at a conference started a conversation with me and told me that she had a 37″ inseam length. I wouldn’t even have considered her “tall” as she may have been around 5’7″. I didn’t believe her, so she pulled up her long tunic to her waist and sure enough she had really long legs and an almost non-existent torso.
  2. All Long Torso – You may have average length legs or even short legs. Take Mike, from Twitter. He is 6’8″ long with just a 32″ inseam. I mentioned to him that’s the longest torso length I’ve ever heard of. He agreed and finding long enough tops is a real challenge. You poor people have a challenge fitting in cars and seats as they just aren’t made for your long backs.
  3. Balanced Tall – This is the group of people that have both long legs and long torsos. I fall into this category as I am 6’1″ tall and have a 35″ inseam length. My torso is also long and tall shirts are needed also.

Where do you fall on the spectrum of tall?

Can REM Sleep Make You Tall?

Mr. Tall spent last night in the hospital doing a sleep study. You know – where they hook dozens of probes up to you and then expect you to sleep deeply so they can monitor you. Right!
Anyway, he had a conversation with the tech guy about kids and how some of our kids sleep deeply, but others are light sleepers.
The sleep tech said that you need to get into a deep REM sleep stage in order to grow as that is when your body does all of its’ growing. I found this interesting as I sleep so well that an earthquake couldn’t wake me at times.
I must have done a ton of REM sleeping as a kid and during puberity. So I told Mr. Tall that from now on, he needs to wake me every hour so I don’t have a chance to enter into REM sleep as I don’t want to grow any taller at this point.

Martha Stewart Tall Show Recap

For those of you who may have missed the “Martha Stewart Tall Show”, here is a recap.

  • Arianne Cohen, the author of “The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life From On High” discussed advantages tall people have such as, on average earning more than co-workers. She also claimed that people around the world have the same height potential, but that good nuturition and health can help you be taller. I’m not sure if I entirely agree with her height nutrition claims, but I haven’t done enough research. It seems to be genetics in my family.
    Check out the website http://www.seatguru.com/ next time you are traveling. Fly on airlines that have at least 34″ between seats to allow more leg room.
  • Lisa Butcher of Long Tall Sally put on a women’s tall fashion show. To see the fashions featured on the show, click here.
  • Martha Stewart showed the butcher block kitchen counter we previously blogged about.
  • Alain Roby, a pastry chef, made a very tall cake.

I enjoyed the show, but would have liked to have more discussion with tall people and issues we face or advantages we enjoy! I would have loved to be there!
What did you think of the show?

Are you a Tall Chef?

One of my tall friends Jheri, told me about a new product invented by her friend Colleen, a 6’6″ tall woman. It’s a butcher block cutting board on legs. You place it on your counter and it helps you be more comfortable when cooking. If interested you can purchase this product here. Mention “colleenification” for a special.
Visit Colleen’s blog – at http://www.6footsix.com/colleenify/