Get Ready for The Great Shoe Seek Contest

Coming soon – July 10th is the ” Great Shoe Seek Contest” is an online scavenger hunt through various shoe loving websites following clues and answering questions in a race to see who will win the SHOE SEEK prize package! You must register to win and participants will be notified a few days in advance of the specific start time.
Here is what’s included in the grand prize package:

  • A $250 shopping spree to Barefoot Tess.
  • A $50 Nordstrom gift cerficate courtesy of us – Tall Clothing Mall
  • A vintage porcelain heart brooch courtesy of IPlayFavorties Blogger Joy D
  • A signed copy of ‘The Budget Fashionista’ Kathryn Finney’s first book ‘How to Be a Budget Fashionista”
  • Shoe Seek winner will get a blog/article and picture on the following websites: BarefootTess, Blogging Barefoot Blog,, Fashion Fille’s Blog, YourFeetMakeYouUnique blog, and ShoeTube!

Register Now for details and specific time of the search.