And The Winner Is:

We have a winner of our $50 gift card giveaway! The winner is #4 – Erin.

Congrat Erin and I’ll be sending you a gift card to Banana Republic!
Erin, I need you to contact me, as your blog doesn’t allow comments and I don’t have your email.

Best Scooter for Tall People

With high gas prices, more people are turning to scooters as an alternative cheap way to get around. On my recent visit to Taiwan, there were millions of scooter riders. After viewing the shortage of parking, it just makes sense to drive a scooter around Taipei. I even saw scooters packed with 2 adults, and 2 kids.
When I was in high school, my brother owned a scooter. While he was out of the country, I had the privelidge of driving his scooter for a summer. I loved the gas mileage, but have to admit I had a few close calls with crazy Utah drivers running me off the road. I learned to take the less- traveled roads to get around.
I just heard a news story on the best scooters for tall people. They rank Vespa scooters as the best for tall, leggy people. They have some really cool styles too!

Are you a Tall Chef?

One of my tall friends Jheri, told me about a new product invented by her friend Colleen, a 6’6″ tall woman. It’s a butcher block cutting board on legs. You place it on your counter and it helps you be more comfortable when cooking. If interested you can purchase this product here. Mention “colleenification” for a special.
Visit Colleen’s blog – at

Interesting Tall People Blogs

There are some interesting tall blogs post this week that I love. I think you might enjoy them too.

  • Amazona Blog Miss Tall International’s Letter to my 16 Year Old Self
  • Tall N Trendy Making A Man Feel Like a Man While with a Tall Woman
  • Sarah Vain and Tall Are You a Model and Other Uncomfortable Conversations