We’ve found lots of great blog post, news stories and more regarding our favorite topic: tall people. Of course we want to pass them on for reading enjoyment. Here’s some of current favs:
17 year old Ireland Baldwin is 6’2″ tall is the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin. She talks about modeling as a way to help boost her self-esteem.
Real Men, Real Style Created the Above video on Tips for Tall, Thin Men.
5’11” supermodel – Karolina Kurkova, says she used to be a tall, skinny nerd.
Ronald Martinez/Getty Images
Growth in tennis? We’re seeing lots of tall tennis players.
Now it’s your turn, if you have a tall blog, we’d love for you to link up your favorite blog post from the last 2 weeks.
Your Favorite Tall Blogosphere Posts: