We get quite a few emails of suggestions for tall stores, and various other products. So starting once a week we will have Feedback Friday -featuring some of the top emails we have received. As always, you can leave comments below blog posts or send us an email at admin@tallclothingmall.com.
From Jheri- regarding Ginormica
“I was very shy in school being too tall, too thin, too pale and too hard of hearing. I used it as an excuse to go into my own shell and felt sorry for myself. The fact that I was the tallest in my family by the time I was 12 didn’t help much. But I did improve and by the time I was 20 or so, I found that I was proud of what I looked like and my height.”
“When I run into a teenager who is tall I tell them to get involved in some activity in school. It can be anything, but something where others will recognize and value their efforts. It gives them a better sense of value.”
Thanks Jheri for your great suggestions and words of wisdom.
Judy suggested a few tall stores:
“Like your site – very informative. Looking forward to exploring it further. I would like to tell you about my favorite store (I didnt see it on your site yet – you should really get it on) it is called Long Legs Fashions For Tall Women www.longlegs.ca . I have bought so much stuff from them and the shipping and customer service is wonderful. The quality of the garments exceeded my expectations. You should look into them and www.simplytall.net. I have purchased a few things from them too that i have been happy with. I’ll let you know if i think of any more things that are good for the tall woman.”
Thanks Judy!