
Due to the changing rules on online blogs and businesses, Tall Clothing Mall, LLC has created our disclosure.

Tall Clothing Mall, LLC incorporates several aspects of revenue that I felt like I should make it comprehensive as well as take the opportunity to share what Tall Clothing Mall is all about.

Full Disclosure:

To be in compliance with the recent FTC ruling that bloggers need to disclose if they are being paid or compensated for their posts, the following is my full disclosure policy and how I do business:

  • Tall Clothing Mall,LLC is a website written and edited by me, Krista Mayne as well as my tall fashionista friend Tiffany DeLangie and from time to time, other guest posters. It’s sole purpose is to help tall people and plus size people find clothes that fit and help them look and feel fabulous!
  • I take great pride in being one of the most comprehensive resources for tall women and tall men by showing you which tall clothing stores and other stores sell long length items, or other clothing items you can add to your wardrobe. By creating an online “Tall Clothing Mall”, we hope to give you sense of community and make your shopping experience easy.
  • I spend a crazy amount of time working on this website. Naturally, I have to make some grocery money to justify the crazy number of hours I work helping everyone out. Therefore, Tall Clothing Mall, LLC accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other forms of compensation. For example, many of the links you click on that take you to other stores for shopping, pay me a small commission for the referral. Also, you’ll know when I do a paid post because it will be distinguished as a ”sponsored” or paid post. All compensation agreed upon is for my time to create the content. My time is valuable!
  • I will never be influenced by any form of compensation. I have strong opinions and integrity, therefore I will be honest in my judgment and recommendations to my readers. You can be assured that if I don’t love the product, or think it’s old fashioned or outdated, – I won’t promote them. Providing quality and relevant content for my readers is extremely important to me and can be expected on Tall Clothing Mall about 5 days a week.
  • I do participate in fun giveaways with companies that I love. From time to time, I may be given the opportunity to try out the product for free too. I always disclose that I received a free product to try out. Often, we offer giveaways, without us receiving anything too! I will always write my honest opinions and experiences. The opinions expressed by me on this blog or in social media are purely my own.For questions about this website, feel free to contact me directly at admin at tallclothingmall dot com.
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