Women’s Large Size Toile Rain Boots

I am really trying to figure out how to justify buying a pair of these toile rain boots. It’s not that the price is that is that bad. It’s just that I live in Colorado, a very dry state. It snows a lot, but rain is scarce. They are the most stylish rain boots I have ever seen. It you love them too, pick up a pair from BarefootTess.com. They come in women’s sizes 11-14. Too cute!

About Krista Mayne

Standing in at 6'2" tall, Krista Mayne is the the owner of Tall Clothing Mall, Wasatch Travel and Palm Tree Trips. Life is crazy as a serial blogger. Tall Clothing Mall started in 2006 after she became frustrated with finding tall clothes. She loves to travel and spend times with her husband and 5 children.


  1. Nice blog. The content of your blog is exactly wonderful, and your blog template is Simple generous.i like dr martens boots.thanks for sharing it.

  2. Thanks for this info. I love boots and this one is really cute. Think I’m gonna buy one for me to satisfy. =)