Women’s Winter Whites – Tall Style

Are you craving some brightness this winter? Add some white to your wardrobe! The winter white look is ultra-chic. Try combining  drastically different textures of white for extra visual interest as shown in the outfit below.

If you’re not ready for a monochromatic head to toe white outfit, try one or two items such as a pair of white jeans or even your staple crisp white shirt can brighten up your wardrobe.  White accessories are fresh and cool. Also, play with shades of white including light beige or eggshell. Experiement by looking at yourself in the mirror to find a shade of white that is most flattering to your face. Below you will find our favorite items.

Winter Whites for Tall Women

winter whites for tall women

Row 1:  Roll-Sleeve Pintuck Tall ShirtUgg Sparkles to size 11. V-Neck Cable Tall SweaterTall Denim Trousers 36″ Inseam.

Row 2Textured Sweater CapeTall Non-Iron Fitted Sateen ShirtWhite Wide-Leg Tall Pants 36″ Inseam. Michael Kors Studded Large Tote.

Row 31969 Long & Lean Jeans – 37 Inseam. Stone Link Necklace.  Liz Claiborne Pleated Box Tall JacketWhite Tall Denim Jacket.

Today is: Hug a Tall Person Day

According to High and Mighty – today is hug a tall person day!  Lucky us! So pass on the word and see how many people will share the love with you today.  Watch this fun video for ideas on how people can hug you!

Extra Long Twin Bedding

I’m sure there’s some tall people out there needing extra long mattresses. I don’t require one, but I do enjoy the extra space that our California King provides.  After all Mr. Tall tends to dream he is punching people. It’s quite frightening to get slugged in the middle of the night.

My 13 year old is growing like a weed and may need an extra long twin mattress soon. We don’t have the space for anything bigger than a twin.  I’ve been looking at options and thought I’d share them with you.

extra long twin mattress
Boyd’s Specialty – Extra Long Twin Mattress (free shipping)

black comforter

Black Extra Long Twin Comforterchevron extra long beddingChevron Extra Long Twin Comforter

striped extra long twin comforter

Striped Extra Long Twin Comforter

7 Things You Should Never Ask Tall People

I’m really getting quite disgusted with all of the bad manners I am seeing everywhere! It’s really not okay to ask someone any weird thing that just pops into your mind. Really!  Let’s use some judgement people! Today’s P.S.A. is for all of the height challenged people out there. We know that most of you are just curious, but some of  you are just plain rude! Never ask these questions to tall people!

no i don't play basketball{Credit}

  1. Do you play basketball?  No, do you play mini-golf?
  2. How’s the weather up there? It’s raining (as I spit down on you)
  3. Why are you so tall?  – Uh, God made me this way!
  4. Have you always been tall? – I’m pretty much sure most tall people started out as normal sized embryos.
  5. How tall are you?  This is just bad manners.  We don’t ask you “how short are you?”
  6. Are your parents tall? No they are midgets, I was adopted.
  7. How big are your feet?   How big is your butt? Never discuss bodily sizes with anyone.

That is all! And if all else fails, remember this:

krista owner tall clothing mall